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Pool Guidelines

Supervision Rules

  • Children under five years old must be within arm’s reach and under constant supervision by a responsible caregiver over the age of 16 years in the pool at all times. A caregiver must not have any more than two children under five in their care at any time.
  • Children under the age of 10 must be actively supervised by a responsible caregiver over the age of 16 years at all times.
  • Actively supervised means having a direct line of sight on the child at all times and able to provide immediate assistance.

Safety comes first. All pool crew would insist that parents and caregivers meet their supervision responsibilities. Reading and using cell phones is not acceptable behaviour when supervising children under 10 years of age.


We use orange and purple wristbands so that lifeguards can immediately identify children in the target age groups.

Orange wristbands for under 5s - to remind parents and caregivers to always remain within arm’s reach. This includes the toddler pools.

Purple wristbands for children aged 5-9 years - to remind parents and caregivers to watch their children at all times.

My under-5 is a good swimmer, why do I have to keep them within arm’s reach, and what about the toddler pool, the water is not even deep?

Children under the age of 5 years old usually play in shallow areas, keeping them within arm’s reach means you can prevent them from falling over, going too deep, and getting into difficulty. It has been reported that it only takes 20 seconds for a child to drown.

Why does my child have to wear a wristband?

This helps pool crew to quickly identify children’s age, and that a caregiver is also looking after that child. The wristbands also increased awareness and serve as a reminder that the child is in the high-risk age group.

How will this affect my child at swimming lessons?

All 5–9-year-olds will need to be escorted to and from lessons by a parent or caregiver. They are also required to wear a wristband to swimming lessons.

My Child is already supervised by the Swim Instructor can I leave the building or go for a swim.

No, if your child in under 10, you must be Actively Supervising at all times.

What happens if the rules aren’t followed.

We will work hard to make sure everyone understands this policy and why it's important. If we come across people who do not follow these rules, we we'll educate them. However, children will not be allowed in the water if they are not accompanied by a caregiver. If violations of this policy continue, individuals may be asked to leave the facility for the safety of their children and all users.

Why am I expected to provide immediate assistance, isn’t that what’s the lifeguards do?

It’s pool crew’s role to supervise everyone using the facility. As a parent or caregiver, you know your child and their limits better than the staff do. If you see your child getting out of their depth, or moving away from your supervision, you can best direct them back to a safer area.

Supervision Ratios

To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all patrons, please adhere to the following rules and guidelines when using CODC pools:

General Rules

  • Follow all instructions given by staff.
  • Entry is allowed only upon payment of the appropriate entry fee and wearing the provided wristband.
  • Be respectful to staff and other patrons at all times.
  • Smoking, vaping, alcohol, and drug use (including arriving under the influence) are strictly prohibited.
  • Swim instructions are reserved for approved groups; offering casual tips to friends or family is acceptable.
  • Patrons must wait at least 48 hours after a vomiting or diarrhoea illness before visiting. Those diagnosed with Cryptosporidiosis must wait two weeks after symptoms have resolved.
  • Limit public displays of affection (PDA); this is a family-friendly facility.

Poolside and Pool Rules

  • No running, pushing, play fighting, or shoulder rides on the poolside or in the pool.
  • No flips, back bombs, or dangerous jumps. Cannonballs and pin drops are permitted.
  • Diving is allowed only in designated areas.
  • No diving in shallow areas.
  • No diving when lane swimming is in progress.
  • Always dive with hands in front of your head to prevent injury.

Prohibited Items and Actions

  • No glassware or crockery allowed by the pool.
  • No gum, smoking, and vaping are prohibited.
  • Fighting, bullying, or any form of aggressive behaviour is not tolerated.
  • Pool toys should be used responsibly (e.g., standing on float boards is permitted but must be done at least 1.5 body lengths away from the pool edges).
  • The change rooms are a No Phone Zone- Please keep your phone in your bag.

To help maintain the quality of the pool water, we ask that you use the toilet and shower before entering. This helps prevent dirt, lotions, and body fluids from affecting the water. Please protect any open wounds and refrain from spitting. Individuals with incontinence must wear appropriate protective wear, such as swim nappies or tight-fitting bike shorts. In the event of an incident, please exit the pool immediately and inform staff so we can clean, clear, and reopen the pool quickly.

Children under 3 years must wear a waterproof swimming nappy. We recommend placing togs over the swimming nappy to ensure it stays secure. This helps us maintain a safe and clean pool environment, reducing the need for pool closures. Huggies Little Swimmers swimming nappies are available for purchase at our pools.

Please check your child’s swim nappy regularly and change it at least once an hour.

Standard or disposable nappies are not allowed in the pool because they absorb a lot of water, becoming very heavy and increasing the risk of the baby or toddler sinking. Additionally, waterlogged disposable nappies can disintegrate in the water, affecting the performance of the pool filters.

Please ensure you wear clean swimwear that allows for free movement and does not expose private areas (including see-through swimwear). Jeans and loose-fitting clothing are not allowed in the pool.

Food, drinks (except for water bottles kept on the poolside), and gum are not permitted in the pool. You are welcome to consume food and drinks in the designated seating areas.

Please avoid bringing any equipment into the pool that could pose a safety risk or damage the facility. This includes large items that might obstruct the pool staff’s line of sight, dyes that could cloud the water, mermaid tails, hard balls, or items that are easily damaged or can break

For safety reasons, breath holding activities are not permitted within the facility.

To maintain privacy and ensure the comfort of all visitors, taking photos or videos in the pool area is prohibited. You may request permission from staff, but this is only permitted at poolside and must not include other individuals. Permission will not be granted for underwater photos or videos; No Phone are to be out in the Changing rooms.

Initially, staff will take an educational approach to address rule breaches. For group bookings, a representative will be contacted to ensure understanding of the rules. However, in cases of serious or repeated violations, patrons may be asked to leave or face restricted access to the facility.

  • If you have any questions or concerns about these rules, please feel free to speak with a member of our pool staff.
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